Makalah akuntansi manajemen
Makalah akuntansi manajemen

Also make sure employees who are in a crucial position to support the company's business can still work with high flexibility through work from home and remote meeting policies. It is known where critical points in the supply chain are, preparing emergency reserves when supplies run low and identifying alternative supplies included in this emergency planning. Ensure what strategies will be taken so that they are safe for future business survival. Household economic conditions have a serious impact on people in the middle class who must be able to change their lifestyle or bad shopping habits that are not important, but there are some life management strategies that we have to do in order to survive difficult times, which is to manage spending management strategies in order to survive with uncertainty as to when the plague will pass. Some companies have made efficiencies, starting from cutting salaries to terminating employment terminations.

makalah akuntansi manajemen makalah akuntansi manajemen

Peran Manajemen Perubahan Pada Akuntansi Manajemen Strategis Akibat Virus CoronaġLesi Hertati, 2Apriapollo Syafarudin 3Otniel SafkaurġLecturer, Economics of Accounting, STIE Rahmaniyah – IndonesiaĢLecturer Faculty of Economics and Business, Mercu Buana University, DKI Jakarta, IndonesiaģLecturer Faculty Economics of Accounting University Cendrawasih Changes in lifestyle due to the Corona or Covid-19 virus impact the seriousness of public health and management of life changes that threaten economic stability.

Makalah akuntansi manajemen